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A Mushroom Pendant and National Forest Week

Mushroom in a Forest
Mushroom in a Forest
Image by adege from Pixabay

I recently noticed how starting this business is making me discover cool things that are happening either here in Alexandria, VA, or nationally in regards to events that are related to nature.

I get pretty excited, and sometimes I question myself, how didn’t I know about this before?

Lately, I have been inspired by the silver mushroom pendant that I designed and that is available in the shop. While I was preparing myself to write a post with some facts about mushrooms, I came across the news that National Forest Week is July 12-18. I got pretty excited about it because I felt it was perfect timing to learn about it and also because I could share it with you!

I hope this post encourages you to go to a forest and soak in the magic that it has in it! Trees, wildflowers, moss, mushrooms, animals and so much diversity lives there, and it is a great place to go unwind and breathe healthy air!

If you do go on a walk in the forest in the upcoming weeks, maybe you could play a game to see how many mushrooms you spot or how many different varieties you are able to find during your walk!

If you are interested in learning more about National Forest week visit: They have prizes and virtual events happening as well.

Anyways, these short facts about mushrooms could be interesting to know before going on your adventure!

  • Mushrooms are type of fungi
  • Mushrooms in a forest are practically fruits of an underground organism
  • They help keep forest healthy thanks to a symbiotic relationship that they have with other plant species
  • They help decompose dead trees
  • They are useful in medical research and antibiotics
  • It is unknown how many types exist, but there are over 10,000 known varieties
  • They are a great source of vitamins, protein, fiber and antioxidants, and are also low in calories
  • There are bioluminescent mushrooms
  • The largest organism on Earth is a mushroom, and it is located in Malheur National Forest in Oregon

Also, I found this short video that you might like on YouTube made by National Geographic. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this post and feel inspired to visit a new forest and have a good time.